Några vanliga frågor jag får/ Some common questions I get
Jag tar nästan jämt av protesen när jag kommer in genom dörren och sätter endast på den när jag reser mig upp och ska göra något.
Att gå på plan yta framåt är inga konstigheter, trappor kan ibland vara läskigt att gå ner för om jag inte går intill räcket och kan ta tag om det blir ostadigt.
Backar är inga problem med undantag om det inte är för brant då det kan bli svårare. Det enda jag vet att jag inte kan göra med protes är att gå ner på huk, då protesen inte är inställd för den typen av ställning, samt att mitt ben är fortfarande ganska känsligt.
Jag har dock märkt att det går bättre och bättre ju mer man tränar! Man sätter sina gränser själv, jag springer med en flex-run fot från Össur med en Nike sula.
Går jag in i en skobutik kan jag utgå från att jag får nöja mig att bara slänga längtande blickar. Jag fick även tänka till när jag valde arbetsplats då jag inte vill ha en allt för belastande arbetssituation fysiskt. Sedan får man inkludera träningen som en naturlig del i vardagen då jag behöver bygga styrka i ben och kropp. Förutom det har ju faktiskt en helt ny värld öppnats. Jag stöter på situationer, människor och sammanhang som jag ALDRIG hade mött om inte det här hänt och det tycker jag är helt fantastiskt! Är så glad för det.

Do you sleep with a prosthetic leg on ?
Absolutely NOT. Something happens when sitting or lying down and has prosthesis on. At a guess that the blood circulation goes down in rev a little. That feeling lying in a bed with the leg on is like lying on a bed with shoes on, not nice!
I’ll almost always of the prosthesis when I come through the door and sits only on it when I get up and do something.
How does it feel to walk with prosthetic leg ?
In the Soul: Wonderful! I can take me forward and is mobile which I am extremely grateful ! Physically I feel today after 1,5 years with prosthetic pretty good actually. Especially in the early days when the leg rested all night. Walking on flat surface ahead is nothing strange, staircases can sometimes be scary to go down if I do not go next to the railing and grab if it becomes unstable.
Jaws is no problem except if it is not too steep as it can be more difficult. The only thing I know I can not do with a prosthesis is to lose squatting, when the prosthesis is not set for this type of position, and that my legs are still quite sensitive.
Can you run with the prosthetic leg ?
There are special running prosthesis if you want to compete, for example. With a conventional prosthesis is feeling a little harder because the foot is numb.
However, I have noticed that things are going better and better the more you practice! You sets its limits itself , I run with a flex-run foot from Össur with a Nike sole.
How do you feel phantom pain / phantom feelings?
I was taught early on to distinguish phantom feelings and phantom pains where the meanings are very different. Phantom Feelings are the most common. It is not clear what the phenomenon is due but evidence suggests that the brain sends out signals that are perceived as a pain or sensation in the limb that is gone after amputation. The brain registers the no impression from that part anymore and then begins perhaps even the body as a machine to understand that it has fewer parts left! I have a lot of phantom feelings to and from and it seems like there’s more that I’ve been very hills or torn around in abundance with prosthetic leg on. As soon as the prosthesis is angled in different positions, press the stump a little harder against the edges and sometimes say well the nerves away when it gets too much. It has also been theorized that phantom feelings / pain can be triggered by stressful life situations mentally as stress or the like.
How has life changed since the amputation ?
Very much. Physically, I’ve had to adapt myself for a new living situation. Everyone becomes a part of what involvement! Before a long day / night, I need to rest at home for a few hours first, in a restaurant, cinema and the like will I get used to people looking curiously about it would be that I need to remove the bone.
If I walk into a shoe store, I assume that I must limit myself to just toss wistful glances. I was even thinking when I chose work then I do not want an overly stressful work situation physically. Then you include exercise as a natural part of everyday life when I need to build strength in the legs and body. In addition, it has, in fact a whole new world opened. I encounter situations, people and context that I NEVER had met unless this happened and I think this is absolutely amazing! Am so glad for it.
How has the accident affected you mentally?
I knew I could do much but now I know that I can do EVERYTHING. Invincibility is a true and intoxicating feeling. And then – but happens to be a literal truth : what does not kill you makes you stronger. Additionally realize you have fragile life is, and today, I appreciate it a thousand times more than I ever did before! Then I OBVIOUSLY have days when there is heavy and I can think ”oh how I wish I could do that or oh how I miss the foot’.’ Then it’s like one of those days, and that’s perfectly okay.
How many implants have you home?
I have two. A prosthesis which is for everyday use and one that is suited for my running . A bathprosthesis has been talk about, so it will be interesting to try this summer how it works in practice!.